Your Contact Info

Alternate Email Addresses for Communications with Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Units

As a member of the OPSEU Local 685 Part-Time or Full-Time Faculty Unit, we are inviting you to provide your LEC with an alternate email. We would prefer to communicate with our members through personal (non-Algoma University) email addresses, as the employer can monitor messages and could potentially suspend email service during labour disruptions. The Local Executive Committee will not share your email with any other parties except the OPSEU office. Thanks in advance for your help!

Please follow these steps to update your name, private email address or PT/FT status:

  1. Make sure to be logged into your web-browser using your AlgomaU email address. The google form cannot be accessed from a non-AlgomaU email address. If you’re using Chrome, the upper-right corner will have your AlgomaU email logo, like this.
  2. Have the password ready. If you need the password, please contact: Nairne Cameron (FT Vice President) or Edna James (Communications Officer).
  3. Next, click here to fill out this password-protected Google Form. If Google asks you to log in, please choose your AlgomaU email address.
  4. If you get a message that says “you need permission”, it means you did not log into your web-browser using your AlgomaU email address. In that case, please go back to Step 1.

Please note. If you do not wish to receive regular email bulletins from the OPSEU Communications Department, please just click unsubscribe at the bottom of their email bulletin. In that case,  

  • you will no longer receive the bulletin in your inbox,
  • OPSEU can still reach you in case of important communications in regards to grievances or strikes, and
  • OPSEU will not share your email address with anyone outside the OPSEU office.