Unit Stewards

Unit Stewards shall inform their Members of activities ongoing within their Bargaining Unit and Local 685. This includes inviting Members to join OPSEU/SEFPO, and welcoming new employees to the workplace and the Union. They shall also represent the concerns and suggestions made by Members in their portfolio to their Bargaining Unit and Local 685. In addition they shall attend Bargaining Unit Committee, Bargaining Unit Membership, Local Executive and Local General Membership meetings, become familiar with the provisions of the Collective Agreement that applies to them, assist and cooperate fully with the Local Health and Safety Committee.

For more details on Steward responsibilities see the OPSEU/SEFPO Steward Handbook.

You may contact each of your ten Unit Stewards (alphabetically by last name) as follows.

 1  Subhendu Bhadra (PT Sciences)
email: [email protected]

2 Nairne Cameron, Vice President FT (FT Cross Cultural Studies)
email: [email protected]

3 Tony Fabiano, President (PT Humanities)
email: [email protected]

4 Aaron Gordon (FT Business)
email: [email protected]

5 Edna James, Secretary FT (FT Science)
email: [email protected]

6 Shahrukh Khan (PT Timmins)
email: [email protected]

7 Pelham Matthews (FT Steward at Large)
email: [email protected]

8 Ushnish Sengupta (FT Humanities)
email: [email protected]

9 Seymour Stein, Vice President PT (PT Brampton)
email: [email protected]

10 Aqeela Tabassum (PT Social Science)
email: [email protected]