Signed Membership

Become a Signed Member.

To enjoy full voting privileges you need a signed membership card. To become a signed member of our Local 685, please fill out a membership application form (here). Instructions on how to fill it out are here How-to-Submit-Your-Electronic-Membership-Application-May2023.pdf (

If you have further questions about filling out this form, please please contact one of your Unit Stewards or our Union Staff Representative Mike Hocevar at [email protected]

Please Share Your Contact Info With Your LEC

We invite you to provide your LEC with an alternate email. We would prefer to communicate with our members through personal (non-Algoma University) email addresses, as the employer can monitor messages and could potentially suspend email service during labour disruptions. The Local Executive Committee will not share your email with any other parties except the OPSEU office. Please click here to share your contact info with your LEC.


Join OPSEU: Frequently Asked Questions

Jump Start: Why Signing Up Matters — This Newsletter explains about union dues and compares the benefits of signing up over not signing up.