
About the Local Executive Committee (LEC)

The Executive of the OPSEU Algoma University Local 685 shall carry into effect all resolutions of the Union Local (reporting on its activities to the membership), engage in discussions with third parties, including the Employer, with the aim of formulating a proposed course of action to be subject to the approval of the general meeting, authorize expenditure of the monies of the Union Local, request the services of any members of the Union Local or other persons (e.g. legal counsel) to assist in matters where special or technical knowledge is required, appoint or nominate representatives to CAUT and OCUFA, and generally manage the affairs of the Union Local.

The Executive comprises ten Unit Stewards, five full-time members and five part-time members.  From among the Unit Stewards, the members shall elect:

  1.  Local President — Tony Fabiano
  2.  Vice-President for the PT Bargaining Unit —  Seymour Stein
  3.  Vice-President for the FT Bargaining Unit — Nairne Cameron
  4.  Local Secretary — Edna James,
  5.  Bargaining Unit Secretary (Bargaining Unit not represented by the Local Secretary) — This Position is Currently Open, and
  6.  Local Treasurer — This Position is Currently Open.

The Past Local President shall be an ex officio member of the Committee.