Vice President (PT)

Vice President (PT)

Seymour Stein (Professor, School of Business & Economics, Brampton Campus)

Email: [email protected]

Roles and Responsibility

The Vice President for each Bargaining Unit shall:

  1. perform the duties of the Local President in his/her absence. In cases of vacancy, either the Vice President Full-Time or Vice President Part-Time shall succeed to office of Local President until the election of a new Local President. If the Local President was from the Full-Time membership the Vice President Full-Time shall succeed until an election is called. If the Local President was from the Part-time membership the Vice President Part-Time shall succeed until an election is called. The election of a new Local President must occur within one calendar month of his or her absence.
  2. oversee and conduct any Unit-specific votes including those pertaining to contract or special plan ratifications, and work actions;
  3. organize and preside at all meetings of their respective Unit;
  4. ensure that files are kept for the Bargaining Unit;
  5. chair the Unit Committee; in the absence of a Local Vice President for a Bargaining Unit the Unit Recording Secretary shall perform those duties. A new Unit Recording Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive from the existing Unit Stewards.